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Forêt.Nature journal

Reference forests
Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF)

What is a reference forest?

Leading by example is often more educational than referring to reviews or bibliographies. For this reason, a cross-border network of reference forests has been created on more than 1,200 hectares (approx. 2960 acres) of land within the framework of the Interreg Askafor project. These forests, chosen for their exemplary value and their interest in the establishment of Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF), have a triple objective:

  1. To illustrate CCF
  2. To enable scientific monitoring within these forests via a network of permanent plots
  3. To host training systems

Reference forest - Vielsalm

In Wallonia, the Grand Bois de Vielsalm (Vielsam Forest) was chosen as the first reference forest. This state forest of approximately 1,800 hectares (approx. 4450 acres) is treated as a mature mixed forest (softwood-hardwood). It was selected for the quality of the forestry practised there and for its interest in balancing its economic, ecological and social functions.

Forêt de référence - Haugimont

Le Domaine d’Haugimont, propriété privée de l’Université de Namur gérée depuis 25 ans selon les principes Pro Silva, devrait également être repris prochainement dans le réseau des forêts de référence. Il reprend 300 ha de chênaies mélangées de basse altitude (max. 250 m).

Conducting an inventory exercise

The establishment of a network of permanent plots makes it possible to monitor the evolution of the forest and trees (by volume, growth, composition, quality, etc.) in the long term and, in the short term, provides an overview of forest attributes with a view to comparison with other reference forests. In fact, a common inventory procedure is applied to all the forests in the network, thereby giving it a European perspective.

These plots are subject to dendrometric, ecological and health monitoring. Consideration is also given to the social aspect through an analysis of the history of the forest to the present day from the point of view of the general public (reception area, marked trails, etc.).

All the data collected will be incorporated in a technical report for each of the reference forests and made available online at