and Social Commitments
As a leading technical player, Forêt.Nature is committed to defending the common good represented by the forest ecosystem and the multifunctional role of the forest through its provision of quality services based on expertise, experience, and innovation.
Forêt.Nature and its team pledge to:
- Provide the highest quality service with ethics, precision, and efficiency
- Stay at the forefront of innovation and knowledge without dogmatism
- Support dynamics of change in forest management
- Participate only in projects with environmental added value
- Ensure that our work always serves the common good and the forest, not any particular interest
- Support effective public services and virtuous governance
- Defend the common natural heritage
- Valoriser le matériau renouvelable bois et les acteurs vertueux de la filière
- Ensure optimal use of our financial and human resources for our social purpose
- Ensure effective governance and the publication of results and accounts as a non-profit association
- Foster synergies and complementarities rather than competition among actors
- Prefer open dialogue with a holistic vision of ecosystems (both "natural" and "human")
Notre gouvernance
- Forêt.Nature est une association sans but lucratif dont 100 % des fonds et bénéfices sont utilisés exclusivement à réaliser notre objet social : la diffusion des connaissances (savoir) et compétence (savoir-faire) liées à l’écosystème forestier, vers tous les acteurs publics et privés.
Nos ressources proviennent des dons et de la facturation des nombreux services que nous rendons sur les métiers :
- du conseil, de la formation, de la R&D et de l’accompagnement technique,
- de la communication, de l’édition, de la sensibilisation et du web. - Nos conventions avec les pouvoirs publics belges et européens sont issues de marchés publics en concurrence ou d’appel à projets avec procédure d’évaluation stricte.
- Chacun de nos projets est soumis à un contrôle de fonds (indicateurs de résultats et évaluations) et de forme (règles administratives, budgétaires et comptables) sur base des pièces justificatives ad hoc afin de garantir la meilleure gouvernance.
- Notre équipe pluridisciplinaire s’investit au maximum pour garantir des prestations de qualité, avec intégrité, à la pointe techniquement, pragmatiques et orientée solutions.
- Notre conseil d’administration est composé de personnes ressources de référence issues des pouvoirs publics et des universités.
- Nos partenaires sont des structures de référence dans leur domaine de compétences avec lesquelles nous réalisons collectivement des projets en faveur de forêts vivantes.
Societal Commitment
- Facilitate students' and future professionals' access to knowledge (education and internships)
- Develop ForestChange and Salamander funds to finance change in management, awareness, and ecosystem defense
- Promote short supply chains and local and national productions
- Support sheltered employment enterprises
- Minimize the negative impact of our presence in the forest: marks, devices, samplings, waste, compaction, tranquility, vehicles, noise
- Minimize energy loss: turn off standby modes, use power strips, limit heating and fans to necessities, use rechargeable batteries
- Minimize wave pollution: use web and landline phones (if possible)
- Use FSC or PEFC certified paper for our publications
- Use environmentally friendly inks for our publications
- Strictly respect copyright, intellectual property rights, and image rights of each individual and of Forêt.Nature in particular
- Ensure that our offices are ecological, sustainable, and virtuous in terms of insulation, energy, heating, lighting, natural materials, and waste sorting
- Limit our travel to necessary journeys, mandatory carpooling (internal and external)
- Allow telecommuting (1 to 2 days per week as needed, reimburse and facilitate with the provision of a professional video conferencing tool and laptops)
- Fully reimburse public transport journeys
- 100% offset the carbon footprint of our activity in a local nature project
- Strive to buy as locally and sustainably as possible
- Ensure obtainment of verifiable invoices for all expenses over €50
- Prohibit single-use materials that constitute waste
- Invest in quality, durable, and ethical equipment, clothing, and materials
- Prefer short circuits and organic options for catering
- Manage our publication stocks to move towards zero waste
- Ensure waste sorting and recycling as much as possible
- Promote the second life of equipment or their recycling
- Ensure the use of the most ecological packaging possible
- Forbid all marketing "gadgets" (goodies)
- Guarantee the truthfulness and quality of our services, messages, and results
Beneficiary/ Donor/ Client
- Adhere to consumer protection rules and be virtuous in sales (General Terms and Conditions)
- Guarantee data confidentiality (GDPR) through scrupulous application
- Ensure that 100% of the nonprofit's profits are dedicated to the social purpose
- Guarantee the best allocation of resources to our forest projects and ensure transparency in our results
- Ensure courtesy in exchanges and the respect of obligations and commitments to others
- Ensure continuous professional training, excellence, well-being, and health at work, fair remuneration, equal treatment, equal opportunities, and the absence of any discrimination
- Cultivate autonomy in work within a supportive collective
- Allow flexibility in working hours and leaves (as much as possible)
- Ensure the maintenance of kindness and friendliness internally and externally (as much as possible)
- Ensure collective and individual confidentiality and non-disclosure of our capitalization, visions, strategies, accounts, and networks as well as all technical, scientific, or personal data.
- Ensuring mutual trust between people and in themselves with their specific skills