Our reference material on Continuous Cover Forestry
A list of our technical resources on CCF, available for free download or in paper version.
Continuous Cover Forestry in practice
Christine Sanchez (Forêt.Nature)
Supplemental document to circular no. 2718 of 24.09.2013 relative to silvicultural measures to be adhered to for the practice of Pro Silva forest management.
CCF and irregular silviculture are becoming increasingly popular. But behind the trend, we see the questions, misunderstandings, dissatisfaction, ignorance, aspirations and also the desire to learn from the experience acquired and to seek to define an alternative and sustainable forestry, following a profitable and integrated approach.
Why get into Continuous Cover Forestry?
Forêt.Nature, AgroParisTech, Pro Silva France, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (ULiège)
We now know more about the impact of our management choices on limiting health and economic risks, on biodiversity, and on the preservation of soil, water and carbon: this knowledge must guide the decisions of forest owners and managers. In a sector where the time scale exceeds a century, it is important to carefully weigh up our choices that will affect future generations. To adapt to climate change and the societal context, we need to think differently about forest management today.
Reference forest. Vielsam Forest
Bastien Sante (Forêt.Nature)
A reference forest in Continuous Cover Forestry is a forested area that makes it possible to illustrate this type of management in the real world, directly within the ecosystem. It also serves as a site for research, training and discussion. It is monitored using forest inventories, which feed knowledge on CCF and the analyses of a specific area at a specific time, to help determine the resistance and resilience of the forest.
Poster. The future of living forests
Together we discover the strengths and weaknesses of today’s forest landscape with this large educational poster. 42 x 118 cm
Leaflet. The future of living forests
How can we ensure that the forest continues to provide us with its countless ecosystem services in a context of climate change?
In a field where the time scale extends well beyond a century, forestry professionals must now adapt their practices so that future generations can continue to benefit from beautiful and vibrant forests.