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Forêt.Nature journal

Getting started in
Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF)

If you want to get into CCF, you’ll need to build detailed technical knowledge and skills.

To support managers throughout this process, a variety of tools are available 

DNF CCF Project

Pro Silva forestry and irregular silviculture are increasing in popularity. But behind the trend, we see the questions, misunderstandings, dissatisfaction, ignorance, aspirations and also the desire to learn from the experience acquired and to seek to define an alternative and sustainable forestry, following a profitable and integrated approach. For around fifteen years, observations on the changing economic context and international requirements on the preservation of biodiversity have driven the Department of Nature and Forests (DNF) to support the individual initiatives of its officers in the field of Pro Silva forestry and to implement this forestry approach in a more structural manner within its state forests and in parts of those owned by the municipality.


The ASKAFOR project aims to promote Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) by reducing the barriers to its development. It is working towards a set of actions including the creation of training modules and practical educational tools (marteloscopes, travailloscopes, reference forests, etc.).


Basics module

Forêt.Nature offers a basic training module aimed at introducing forest managers to the main principles of CCF by moving from theory to practice.

Other modules

  • Targeted forestry work in deciduous and coniferous regeneration
  • Natural regeneration in conifers
  • Natural regeneration of oak
  • Support on resolving specific blockage situations
  • Support for marking in irregular hardwoods and softwoods
  • Support for post-crisis renewal

Other resources

Forêt-MAIL, is a free monthly news roundup sent by email, which contains summaries of articles on forests and nature published in the European specialist press.

Forêt Nature is a technical journal dedicated to managing the resilience of forests and natural spaces. Published 4 times a year. provides a wealth of information for nature managers.

askafor.euis a hub containing results related to the ASKAFOR project. , the Ecological Species Database, an essential tool to determine species suited to your plots.

Pro Silva Wallonie annual excursions

The Pro Silva Wallonie association organises several field visits for its members each year. They provide the perfect opportunity for meetings and discussions between practitioners interested in Pro Silva forestry.

Looking for one-on-one training
on the CCF/Pro Silva approach?

(price upon request)

Need advice on your
management plan?

(price upon request)