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Forêt.Nature journal

Our web tools

Forêt.Nature has developed several web tools to leverage digital technology in the service of the forest.

These tools showcase the diversity of experiences and the range of skills acquired over time to meet the needs of our projects and partners.

We have created communication websites to fulfill our roles in scientific popularization and knowledge transmission:,,

We designed and implemented an internal web application: AccAPP (Technical Support Application on Plot) as well as several external web applications like and These applications automate the analysis of site-specific and bioclimatic aptitudes based on existing maps and data that have been gathered and integrated. With just a few clicks and based on geolocation, these decision support tools help establish optimal tree species for a given plot. Thus, these decision support tools enable managers and landowners to ensure the sustainability of their regeneration efforts.

We also designed a fundraising website:, Fund for Living Forests. It reflects the commitment of our team in terms of skills as agents of change for mixed-age and mixed-species forests. The site is secure and supports ethical and transparent projects.

We created knowledge-sharing websites like and

Finally, we developed and implemented an e-library allowing individuals to order a series of reference books, subscribe to our technical journal Forêt.Nature, or subscribe to the three Salamandre magazines for nature awareness.


Adapted skills and knowledge for adaptive forests

The Askafor project aims to promote Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) by reducing barriers to its development. Askafor will increase the forest areas managed using this innovative and sustainable forestry practice that integrates the environmental, economic, and social functions of the forest.

Ecological Species File

Automates the analysis of site and bioclimatic suitability based on existing maps and data that have been gathered and integrated. These applications allow, with a few clicks and based on geolocation, to determine the optimal tree species for your plot. These decision support tools enable managers and landowners to ensure the sustainability of their regeneration.

Ecological Species File of Luxembourg

Automates the analysis of site and bioclimatic suitability based on existing maps and data that have been gathered and integrated. These applications allow, with a few clicks and based on geolocation, to determine the optimal tree species for your plot. These decision support tools enable managers and landowners to ensure the sustainability of their regeneration.

Resilient Forest

Launched by Minister Céline Tellier, in charge of Environment and Forests, the "Resilient Forest II" project aims to encourage forest owners to rethink their management to regenerate their forests and steer them towards a forest more resilient to climate change.

Pro Silva/CCF DNF

It is a working and exchange platform exclusively reserved for DNF agents.


Forest Research

Communication site on the five-year plan for forest research and popularization.


Fund for living forests

It is the result of our team's commitment as a change agent for mixed-age and mixed-species forests. A secure site for ethical and transparent projects. 


Allows everyone to order a series of reference books, subscribe to our technical journal Forêt.Nature, or the three Salamander journals for nature awareness.

Actions supported by the following projects: