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Forêt.Nature journal


From policy to practice: European guidelines for closer-to-nature forestry and their application by CCF foresters

The new European guidelines on closer-to-nature forestry have been developed in the framework of the new European forest strategy 2030. But what does it mean for foresters? How do foresters apply these guidelines in the field?
Experts will try to answer these questions during our panel discussion.

Moderated by Christine Sanchez, Continuous Cover Forestry manager, Forêt.Nature

With :

  • Stefanie Schmidt, Policy officer, DG Environment, European Commission
  • Eckart Senitza, President of Pro Silva Europe
  • Dusan Rozenbergar, Scientist at University of Ljubljana and Vice-President of Pro Silva Europe
  • Margot Gessen, Forest manager specialized in Mediterranean forests, AviSilva

This event is organized by Forêt.Nature as part of the ForestMoocForChange initiative